Business owners are often clueless as to the best way to pay themselves from their company, but as with all things in life, the answer is not cut and dry – classic!
Tag Archives: bookkeeping firms North Palmerston
Business Accountants: Tax deductions on insurance – are you claiming everything you’re entitled to?
One of the perks of being a sole trader, contractor or business owner is being able to claim tax deductions for business-related expenses, but many miss out on some of these simply because they are unaware of what they can and can’t claim.
Property Accountants: How to make real estate accounting less complex
Real estate accounting and accounting for property development can be complex but there are ways to manage it and make it less complicated.
Contractor Accountants: How to get paid faster and improve your cash flow
Ask any small business owner and most will tell you that managing their cash flow and getting paid on time is their biggest headache.
Wellington Accountants: Research & Development Tax Incentive – could your business qualify?
The implementation of the Research & Development Tax
Incentive (RDTI) has not exactly been a smooth ride, but remember, nothing good
comes easy!
Property Accountants: How will the proposed new rules affect your investment property income?
There’s been a lot of talk about property tax lately, and the Government certainly loved giving us a bit of shock factor after it proposed some major changes to it earlier in the year.
Cashies: To declare or not to declare?
Are you ready for IRD if they come knocking on your door? Inland Revenue is currently cracking down on specific industries in search of overclaimed expenditure and undeclared revenue.
Mental Health Awareness Week: How contractors can maintain their work-life balance
Contractors make the most of every opportunity – and understandably as they face an extra layer of uncertainty that regular employees don’t.
Property Accountants: Bright-line property test – know your tax rules
As accountants, we’ve seen thousands of dollars go down the drain because investors overlooked tax deductions they were eligible for – that’s a lot of takeaway flat whites!
Chartered Accountants: Business in the Time of Covid – Planning tips during uncertain times
This latest COVID-19 lockdown caught us all by surprise but we worked hard to stop the outbreak in its tracks before, and we can do it again this time.