Property Accountants: Property Flipping – What’s in it for you?

From watching a rundown property transform into a beautiful house, to seeing prices and profits go through the roof, property flipping has a way of making people believe in magic!

Accountants Wellington: Budget 2021: your no-hype, go-to guide

Last week saw the rollout of the Government’s 2021 Wellbeing Budget, which depicts how the ‘kitty’ from the household of 5 million will be…

Accountants Wellington: End of Financial Year Checklist

The end of the financial year is slowly creeping up on us, and that means the slate is almost ready to be wiped clean and a new set of…

Accountants Wellington: Kia Ora 2021

Happy New Year! The team are back in the office as of today after doing the difficult swap from jandals and togs to closed-toed shoes and…

Accountants Wellington: Preparing for Christmas as a business owner

The Silly Season is just around the corner – meaning it’s break time for some business owners and crunch time for others. Regardless of w…

Accountants Wellington: The current ‘need-to-knows’ as a business owner

It’s been a pretty hectic year, to say the least, and although everyone’s trying their best to roll with the punches, for a business owne…

Accountants Wellington: Good as goals: Time for some goal setting

Flat white? A wee while back, we set ourselves a team target and dangled the promise of an office coffee machine as the carrot. The team…

Accountants Wellington: Investing in a rental property – the ‘need-to-knows’

‘Should I buy a rental property?’“ It’s the million(s) dollar question! We’re not financial advisors and can’t tell you how to spend or…

Accountants Wellington: Starting a company – should you do it?

New Zealand is one of the easiest countries in the developed world to incorporate a company – but should you do it? That’s not quite so…

Accountants Wellington: Who’s going to hold you accountable this year?

Bit of a catch up. We are 1/12th the way through 2020. Make sure you’re lapping up the sun and getting outside before Autumn hits us. How…