Getting on track

We’re back in business here at Outside. Here’s hoping you had a great Christmas and New Year and are ready to get back into the swing of things. It’s fair to say last week was a bit of a slow one but we’re back firing this week. In saying that, we’re welcoming Wellington Anniversary Day weekend with open arms! Hopefully by now you’ve had time to sit down and think about some goals and vision for 2020. So what will you do differently to last year? What skills will you build on? That said, don’t forget to celebrate all the awesome things you achieved last year! If you’re stuck on setting some business goals, or personal goals leveraged by your business, flick us an email, call, or pop into the office!

Xero tip #225213

If you’ve seen some our recent Facebook and Linkedin posts you’ll know that Xero is offering an amazing new assistance programme for standard and premium plan holders. The programme acts as a direct counselling service aimed at helping with all aspects of life – physical, mental, social and financial. The support is 100% confidential and can be accessed face to face, online and over the phone. It’s awesome to see Xero show more support to SME business owners, employees, and family members.

Head on over to for more information, or get in touch with us and we can steer you in the right direction.

Social media

One of our visions for 2020 is to get more connected, with that in mind, its time you link up with us on our socials! Check out our InstagramFacebook and Linkedin. It’s a great way to see what we get up to behind the scenes. We’ll be sure to flick you back a follow, a like, or whatever the action is!

It was great to see a few of you send in photos using your Outside bottle opener. It definitely came in handy over the Christmas break! If you have any shots of you or your team using your Outside Christmas gifts, send them on over for a feature on our Instagram!

If you missed our 2019 sign off post, check it out here.

Your Outside team, and Ruby


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Property Developer Accountants | Accountants Wellington | Wellington Accountant | Restaurant Accountants | Cafe Accountants

AddressLevel 2, 182 Vivian Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011, New Zealand 

Mail: PO Box 24-457, Wellington 6142

Phone04 889 2975

New Zealand Accounting, Bookkeeping & Property Business Consultancy Services | Wellington & Lower Hutt Xero Property Accountants Business coach business consultation business adviser

Wellington Accountants: Strategies to Stay Compliant: Tax Updates for Businesses in New Zealand

At Outside Accounting, we understand that staying compliant with tax obligations can be complex, especially with recent Inland Revenue initiatives targeting various sectors and financial activities. From hidden economy audits to cryptocurrency monitoring, the tax landscape is evolving, and businesses must stay ahead to avoid penalties and ensure smooth operations.

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