Business Accountants: Prepare for the April 1 Minimum Wage Increase: What You Need to Know


Mark your calendars: The minimum wage is set to rise to $23.15 per hour starting April 1, 2024, marking a 2% uptick from the current $22.70 hourly rate. Additionally, both the Starting-Out and Training minimum wage rates will climb to $18.52 per hour, maintaining their 80% alignment with the adult minimum wage.

Preparation is key to smoothly navigate this change. Here’s what you need to do beforehand:


Notify Your Team: 

Inform your minimum wage employees about the upcoming increase to ensure transparency and compliance.

Review Payroll Systems: 

Double-check your payroll systems and processes to ensure they reflect the new minimum wage rates accurately.

Update Employment Agreements: 

If necessary, revise employment agreements to reflect the updated wage rates, ensuring legal compliance and clarity for both parties.

Adjust Your Budget: 

Take into account the impact of higher labor costs on your business budget and make necessary adjustments to maintain financial stability.


Rising costs aren’t limited to labor expenses. Inflationary pressures are driving up prices across the board, affecting everyday items and operational expenses. Here’s what you can do to mitigate the impact:

Monitor General Running Costs: 

Keep an eye on inflation-driven increases in operational expenses and materials prices, adjusting your budget accordingly to stay financially resilient.

Consider Pricing Adjustments: 

Gradual price adjustments can help offset rising costs without causing significant sticker shock for customers. Regular small increases align your pricing strategy with market trends and support sustainable business growth.

Explore Cost-Cutting Measures: 

Identify areas where you can trim unnecessary expenses to mitigate the impact of rising costs on your bottom line. A thorough review of your business expenditures can uncover opportunities for optimization and efficiency gains.


As the minimum wage rises and operating costs increase, proactive management of your finances and pricing strategy becomes essential. By staying informed, adapting your business practices, and making strategic adjustments, you can navigate these changes successfully and ensure the continued success of your business.

Your Outside Team



Need a bit of assistance with your business? Contact an Outside Accounting team member today and learn more about our fixed fees. You won’t regret it.

Aside from business consultation, we are business accountants Wellington who offer accountingbookkeeping, payroll services designed to help you achieve greater financial success.

You can click here to speak to a businessaccounting and bookkeeping firm. We will give you a call to know more about your needs. We will explain to you how we can improve your business. 




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