If it’s even slightly edible, Tom’s eaten it
Questionable food connoisseur, with the metabolism of a hyper-active child, Tom manages to move at a million miles an hour towards fun and success, while oozing a cool, calm, collected nature.
With plenty of brains above his shoulders and more drive than a supercharged mustang, Tom’s going places and it’s impossible not to be inspired.
Tom has built a wealth of knowledge around the best in’s and out’s of property dealings and has a keen eye for promising start-up businesses.
Like building a great sandwich, Tom also knows how best to structure ventures to extract maximum returns while minimising risk exposure.
Away from the desk, hockey, tennis, squash and, as mentioned above, anything that can be consumed, dominate this man’s life.

Our chief giggler
Client Manager
If you’re ever after a pick-me-up and a bit of a giggle – Susie’s your solution.
Aside from being the team’s positivity blanket, Susie’s our go-to when it comes to dealing with quality control, team management, and any specialist tax issues. A professional at multitasking, Susie does it all with an infectious positive attitude, a smile on her face and a Pomsky puppy nipping at her feet.
While she’s a whizz with numbers, we hear she’s even better on the tools. When she’s off the clock you’ll find her putting in the hard yards renovating her house and getting her vege garden into tiptop shape.
Susie’s passion for life, laughter and fun makes you question all the assumptions you have about tax gurus (we know you’ve heard them).

A good keen man
Client Manager
The young fella from the far north, Mackenzie is your practical kiwi bloke.
Mackenzie is a switched-on campaigner with an eye for detail that sees right to the heart of what makes businesses tick. Mackenzie’s systematic and analytical approach supported by the latest technology quickly projects clarity on what exactly is going on.
Although his taste buds are anything but adventurous, his weekends and holidays are the complete opposite. Mackenzie’s passion for the outdoors is unbeatable.
While not out hunting, tramping or playing every type of team sport, Mackenzie is likely enjoying a couple of quiets he’s brewed himself. Never further away than a phone call or email, Mackenzie’s dedication to action and ‘getting it done’ is what makes him a top notch Chartered Accountant and a highly regarded bloke.